How does SMS Games work?

SMS Games are an interactive application that runs on all existing media channels (TV, Radio, Internet). The application is a business to customer oriented product. At its base is an interactive application with general knowledge questions from all fields – also know as trivia. How does it work? Each user registers in the application based on a paid SMS to a dedicated number. After registration, the user will start receiving messages from the system with quiz questions with several answer options. If the answer is correct, the system offers points every time. If the answer is incorrect, the player will have to ask another question to continue the game. Each SMS is taxable with the amount set by the entity running the application. Based on the points collected by the player, the platform draws winners daily, weekly or monthly. You can also set a maxi jackpot with the big draw at the end of the game period.

Features and options

fast integration
Easy to setup and run the application in short period.
Different jackpots could be set depending on the client needs and the marketing strategy.
User registration based on paid SMS or dedicated phone number.
Tools for engaging  the existing players, give bonuses and attract new players.
unlimited number of quizzes
The application supports great numbed of quizzes and available questions.
The application is running on all types of  mobile phones and smart phones. Easy currency and language setup.